Bee Hive

Bee Hive
to Bee or not to Bee

Friday, September 27, 2013

Safe Havens and Sabotage

Today is weigh-in day. Last week I missed weigh-in because I overslept. Today I was ready. So the results you say? Okay, first the numbers then I will expound on the lessons I have learned. My weight went up by 2.7 lbs. I have been working hard these past two weeks on my exercises and my jogging to strengthen myself even if the diet portion hasn’t been followed with fidelity. That said, here are my other stats: BMI went down by 0.4, percentage of body fat went down by 10%, and the number of fat lbs that I carry went from 108 to 87.7. So I will not allow myself to be down about these numbers. Also I lost another 4 inches. Yes, the lbs went up and were most likely the result of the bag of chocolate candy that became my best friend this week but still, not bad considering.

So now to the lessons I have learned. My coach, Chris Powell, has stated that if we must cheat on the program we must do it outside of our home. We are never to bring the accursed temptation into our safe haven. I broke the rule. I brought the demon bag into my safe haven and it tempted me and won, all week. Now I understand that the not in the house rule is for my protection and I will follow it with integrity and fidelity from now on. What brought this on you may ask, well, I had an interaction with the hubby of Mrs. Calabash this week. It was not nice nor was it promising. Basically he let me know that he did not consider myself and the hubster to be any family of his or his wife and that we were not worth the time for him to educate us on how to live a better life (according to his new philosophy and religion, which he invented himself and for a price is willing to enlighten the world). I wanted so badly to speak with my little girl, I wanted to hear her voice, soothe her fears and calm her world but I wasn’t allowed past the guard-dog who calls himself her husband. Thus, the chocolate; I’m grateful my body didn’t revolt with all that sugar!

What then does that have to do with sabotage? You may have guessed that Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening another entity through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction.

In the Netherlands in the 15th century when workers would throw their sabots (wooden shoes) into the wooden gears of the textile looms to break the cogs, fearing the automated machines would render the human workers obsolete.

I was playing into the adversary’s plan to weaken me but I have turned and am fighting back with faith in myself to pick myself up and keep moving on with the good strides that I have made. I look forward to the next weigh-in day of accountability. I also look forward to sending loving messages to Mrs. Calabash through the only means available to me, text messages and facebook messages letting her know how much I love her and admire her for all her strengths and talents. I pray she will one day be able to see that her family misses her unique spirit so she can visit with us again. Until then, Good-night Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.

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