Bee Hive

Bee Hive
to Bee or not to Bee

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Choice and Accountaility

There are many choices we can make every day, almost every minute and I choose to be more fit and in better health. I choose to follow this exercise and diet plan and I do it for me. I have found that I love my breakfasts of cottage cheese and fruit. It provides protein in the cottage cheese and carbs in the fruit. Sometimes I choose fiber One shredded wheat and milk, same thing, carbs and protein. Mostly I choose fruit as my carb because I like that bit of sweet with my meals and it is perfectly acceptable on this plan. Getting in a gallon of water is still a little bit of a challenge though. I am getting more water than I had been and so I am on the right path.

The exercises are coming as well. Today I did 40 push ups (still granny style), 40 bench dips (kind of a backward pushup) and 30 shoulder presses using 5 lb weights, all within my 9 minute time allotment. Yesterday I surprised myself by being able to jog for 2.5 minutes. My daughter Ginger gave me some great advice, she said, “start slow, make it a jog version of your walking pace at first) So, I did, and crazy thing, I loved it! My accountability will come at the end of October when she takes me out running with her and I will do my first 3 miler with her. (I wonder how many minutes that will take?) I know I can practice on my treadmill and track the distance and I am looking forward to it.

I feel so blessed to have found this program and many other great things such as the gospel of Jesus Christ and the restoration of His church. I love knowing that there is a greater and more loving and generous power to guide me and teach me and help me become the me I will enjoy spending time being.

I love my family, my girls and my boys. I also love Mrs. Calabash and I pray for her every day that she may find the happiness she seeks.

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