Bee Hive

Bee Hive
to Bee or not to Bee

Friday, September 6, 2013

4 R Days

Thirty-nine years ago today, I married my best friend.  We have followed our hearts and have shared trials and joys along the way and as often happen in life, we lose things and collect things during our journey. While the road has not always been easy, it has been ours to either enjoy or not. We have chosen to enjoy.

My personal journey that begins today is about restoration, revelation, repentance and restitution. Not to get too serious here, these are all good words. These are words that can build character and help to reach new goals and provide greater insights into understanding my true character as the person that God the father knows I can be.

Thirty-nine years ago, I weighed 80 lbs less than I do today. I was active and loved being out in nature, appreciating the beauty of the world. After raising 6 children and building several houses along the way, I have also accumulated a lifestyle that is not my ideal. I want this journey to be about preparing for the rest of my life. I’m encouraging myself to shed the weight, loose the inches, build my body and spirit up so that I can once again enjoy the wonders of this world the way I did many years ago.  So what is the plan? It is simple, I’m out of bed by 6 A.M. then exercise, plan my food and lift my spirit by feasting on the scriptures. Today I did 3 shape and size circuits that consisted of 10 squats and 10 push-ups (granny style) and 10 squats then 10 sit-ups. My sit-ups are an embarrassment but I have hope they will improve over time. Breakfast consisted of Fiber One shredded wheat and 2% milk. The rest of my 5 daily meals today will be low carb so I am planning on making tuna salad for 3 meals (I love tuna!) and pork roast with veggies for our anniversary dinner. I also had the pleasure of walking with my dear friend today so my exercise is done for today! So on to showering, dressing, scripture study, having my personal interview with God then hitting the items on my to do list. The 4 R’s will all be covered today I’m sure and perhaps I will share some of the ways they manifested when I make my next posting.

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