Bee Hive

Bee Hive
to Bee or not to Bee

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Promises to Keep

Recently I came across a book written by a man who studies fitness and has made it his goal to help people reach their fitness, emotional and personal goals by committing them to make promises to themselves that they can and will achieve. Chris Powell is his name and while I have never met the man, and most likely never will, the words he has written ring true to me and I have committed to myself…I have promised myself and the girl in the photo above, that I will honor the promises that I am making here. Change is sometimes hard, recognizing myself as deserving of these changes can be a slippery slope but finding that to not honor the promises would trample my integrity gives me strength. So, here are my promises to myself and that cute, sweet girl in the photo.

Promises that I will keep!
3 food promises I make to myself are:
            1.  I will eat three meals and two snacks everyday (1200 -1400 calories daily)
2.  Pack each day’s snacks and lunch in the morning when I am fresh and motivated and have    dinner planned.
3. Eat a piece of fruit everyday

3 body promises I make to myself are:
1.     I will do five minutes of cardio every day and my ten minute shapers everyday
2.     Take a brisk morning walk for energy
3.     Get up and walk around for five minutes every hour & and drink water

3 mind promises I make to myself are:
1.     Look myself in the mirror everyday and say, “I am worth it!”
2.     Count my days accomplishments each night – in my interview with the Lord.
3.     Allow myself to say, “No thank you, I don’t eat this.”

To some this may seem easy, ridiculous or maybe you are looking at this and saying, “You go girl! I want to join you in making goals too.” If you are of the latter, then, welcome aboard. It is my plan to become so good at these goals that I can make new ones and progress toward the restitution and restoration that I desire.

I recognize that I will never look like the twenty year old girl in that photo ever again, but, if I can look like a 60 year old version of her, then I will have met my goal! To all my supporters, thank you! And to Mrs. Calabash, I love you, and I wish you well on your journey, wherever you are.

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