Bee Hive

Bee Hive
to Bee or not to Bee

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Onward and UPward

Some days come with disappointment; today is one of those days. I had received word from Mrs. Calabash, a lady I adore, that she was in the area and planned to stop in for a visit. Yesterday she let me know that her schedule wouldn’t permit the time and on the wings of that announcement came disappointment. I haven’t seen this lady for over a year and I was hoping for a bit of restoration of the relationship from long ago. It was not meant to bee.

As for my program, today is a high carb day, each meal will have a carb portion, a protein portion, a flavoring portion and unlimited nonstarchy veggies but no fats. So breakfast was 1 slice Ezekiel bread spread with plain nonfat greek yogurt sprinkled with about a third of an individual size serving bag of xilitol. Because hydration is so crucial, I mixed strawberry banana orange drink powder into my 2 quart drink bottle that Lucy gave me when she visited this summer. That is half my daily liquid intake so I’m excited to slurp that all morning and into the afternoon. Since I get a full cup of greek yogurt as my protein, and fruit as a carb, I’m making a smoothie for my 2 snack meals then salad with salmon for my lunch and dinner. (Have I mentioned that I love fish?) I will get the hubster to take a walk with me this evening to get in my exercise and count this as another day living the new program. Of course that only covers the physical restitution part of my 4 R’s so I will take time to read the Relief Society lesson for tomorrow as well as the Sunday School lesson so that I will be spiritually prepared to soak in all the good stuff that the spirit wants to share with me tomorrow thus being prepared to take advantage of the revelation “R”.

For our Saturday project, the hubster and I plan to work on beautifying the new driveway. Finishing the pergola which is just posts in the ground now. I have plenty of greenery to spread around for landscaping so taking advantage of that blessing will save money, but it is supposed to be really hot today so I’m not sure how much of that will be done. And, taking down my beloved pine tree that died due to well, I’m not real sure why it died, but it did. I hope to replace it next spring. 

And that is the days plan, so as Jimmy Durante used to say "Good night Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are."

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