Bee Hive

Bee Hive
to Bee or not to Bee

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Put your Shoulder to the Wheel

The image is that of an old-fashioned farm wagon or cart that has become stuck in the mud. The way to get the thing to move is to push it, and one would literally put one's shoulder against the wheel in order to give the most force to the effort.

This journey I’m taking sometimes feels like it is going uphill and that my wagon is slogged down. So I ask myself, what is the muck that is slowing my progress and how can I put my shoulder to the wheel to get it moving again? I’m doing my exercises daily, I’m staying on my diet program yet something has been nagging at me. Sometimes it isn’t that there is a mucky way, it’s just that the road is on a steep incline and the need for new energy is necessary to continue. I think that is more like what I am facing. I received revelation a few weeks back that I needed to get to know the neighbor ladies. I am sure they are all sweet wonderful women but I got stuck in the road to extending an invitation to lunch with me. I just want an opportunity for us to get to know each other. Yesterday, I had help. One of those sweet ladies was walking her dog and waved “hi” to me. That was my opening, I told her what I wanted to do and she enthusiastically encouraged me to make it happen. I felt a surge of strength pass through me, and my wagon moved forward just a bit. Empowered with the notion that all the women would feel as this lady did, I walked across the street, up to her door and knocked on it. I explained what I wanted to do and she was thrilled. Ahhhh, more joy filled my heart. Finally I walked down to the last house and knocked on her door. Her husband answered. I timidly asked if I could speak to his wife, he let me in and called to her. I had never met this woman in all the years I have lived here. My son used to play at this house and I had never met her, my husband knew the family, but I did not. I entered the room, told her who I was and explained my mission. She was delighted! Now I am three for three and so relieved to have that part over. We all agreed that the lunch would be in 2 weeks. That way everyone had time to arrange schedules etc so we could spend time learning about each other.

I’m excited for this new growth opportunity. I love the lessons and strength that my daughters have taught and demonstrated for me. I find courage and a renewed drive to carry on after talking to each of them. These are amazing women! Yes, even you Mrs. Calabash! It took real courage to stick to your convictions and go your own way. You have always demonstrated great inner strength; I love you. I miss you and I would love to spend some time with you.

To all my girls, good night, wherever you are!