Bee Hive

Bee Hive
to Bee or not to Bee

Friday, October 4, 2013

Come what may and Love it

Some years ago I participated in an art class held at the local college. Our assignment was to do a self portrait. As I worked on that portrait, I channeled all the hostility, self loathing and bitterness I was feeling about myself into that painting. I guess it was sort of a reverse Dorian Gray moment. Even the teacher commented that while the picture had a likeness of myself, it certainly wasnt complimentary. I took it home and my children saw it. One daughter remarked that I must have been having a really bad day.  I guess I had been, but until that moment, it hadnt occurred to me that I was taking it out on myself.

In a General Conference address years ago, Elder Worthlin made a statement, "Come what may and love it". That sentiment has hovered over me like a protective umbrella. It reminds me that no matter the situation or the choices of those around me, life is going to happen. I can choose to love where I am, move or wallow. The choice is mine to make and once made; the attitude that follows is also mine. So, with that said, I will report the results of this weeks weigh-in.

I am down by 4 lbs, yes, good news! But the picture gets a little frazzled after that. Since I do my weigh ins at the university gym, the biomeasure scale gifts me with additional information. My lbs of fat increased from 87.7 to 101.1--that is a 13.4 lb increase. Also, when I did my body measurements I had gained 0.5 inches. Those numbers are not deal breakers, and it just reinforces the fact that I need to be more careful on my plan. Having guests in the house has shaken my resolve to exercise and eat the 5 meals as prescribed. I have seen others fight this fight and lose to this stumbling block. I never thought I would join them, but it just shows we are all in the same boat so to speak. I watched them overcome and I will overcome as well. I can see myself in my minds eye and I am slim and healthy. So I am working to keep my eye on the prize. I plan to say to these "hurtles"... Come what may, and love it!

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