Bee Hive

Bee Hive
to Bee or not to Bee

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Flynn or Eugene

Yesterday while I was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Calabash, the topic of Disney dopplegangers came up. Mr. Calabash was aware that our family was known to choose one of the "royals" that we most identified with and assume a shared identity with that character. He mentioned that he fancied himself as Flynn Rider, dashing young hero who may be just a bit outside of the law, but big hearted. We chuckled along with him, talked a bit more about towers, castles and fiinding our dreams then we went our separate ways to get on with our individual tasks for the day.

It has stuck with me though. Who are we really? We aspire to be whomever we have the audacity to be. Don't we try to emulate those whose character qualities are such that we admire? Don't we work to look like the kind of people others would feel safe around and open for conversation? Haven't we been told that we should shake off the flaws that cumber us and embrace better ways? Yes! Of course!

At this stage of the relationship, I don't know if the statement he made was just in jest or if there was some underlying desire to fit in with the clan. If it is the latter, then welcome aboard. We welcome you with open arms and are glad to have your richness of character joined with ours. If not, well, it was good to know that we are recognized for our desire to look for qualities that can help us find the royal inside us and magnify it along our lifes' path.

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