Bee Hive

Bee Hive
to Bee or not to Bee

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

willpower and new year

With the new year almost here and resolutions flying all around us, I have given thought to a book I am reading that has struck a cord, answered a prayer, sent up flags what ever or however you want to say my attention. The book is titled "the richest man in Babylon" by George S Clason and here is the part that has captivated me:

"Will power!" retorted Arkad. "What nonsense. Do you think will power gives a man the strength to lift a burden the camel cannot carry, or to draw a load the oxen cannot budge?

Will power is but the unflinching purpose to carry a task you set for yourself to fulfillment.

If I set for myself a task, be it ever so trifling, I shall see it through.

How else shall I have confidence in myself to do important things?

Should I say to myself, 'For a hundred days as I walk across the bridge into the city, I will pick from the road a pebble and cast it into the stream,' I would do it. If on the seventh day I passed by without remembering, I would not say to myself, Tomorrow I will cast two pebbles which will do as well.'

Instead, I would retrace my steps and cast the pebble. Nor on the twentieth day would I say to myself, 'Arkad, this is useless. What does it avail you to cast a pebble every day? Throw in a handful and be done with it.'

No, I would not say that nor do it.

When I set a task for myself, I complete it.

Therefore, I am careful not to start difficult and impractical tasks, because I love leisure."

Another author who has also pinged my interest has said almost the same thing, when we agree to do a task, we do it. If we choose to not do it, we, in essense, determine that the person we have committed toward is not worthy of the time to complete the task. So if I promise myself, then what does that say about how I feel about myself. If I have promised to someone else, what does that say about how I feel about that other person? Thought provoking eh.

This year, as I sat in tithing settlement with my bishop, we discussed the idea of living with a budget. I told him that I was looking for a new resolution and that would be a good one for me. I thought it over and considered all the things that I need to learn to finances of course, my time would be good, my calories definately, then I considered what things I wanted to include in my time allotment. I want to increase some of my talents, hone them to be precise, so by promising to devote a certain amount of time each day to that talent is in essesnce my pebble in the stream, my exercise program is another pebble in the stream. So, I've determined some ways to make changes over time. The time limit is this year coming, so for 2014 I resolve to do my 15 minutes of morning exercises M-F, work on my drawing skill for 15 minutes each day M-F, practice painting techniques for 5 hours each week and work on ways to stay within my established financial budget. (the secret to the financial budgeting is to pay the Lord, then pay myself then budget the rest, read Clason's book!)

I've laid it out there, now I will show how well I will treat myself and how much integrity I possess by how well I complete these resolutions this year. 

Let the journey be a glorious one!

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